DLCgo Teacher Role Training
What is the DLCgo SIS (Student Information System)
DLGgo is replacing our current registration system, but not replacing Power School. Along with a new online registration form, DLCgo will also provide:
- Integration with Online courses
- Direct links to online courses.
- Enroll students in online courses when course requests are approved.
- This means students no longer get enrollment keys
- Grades are pulled periodically from the online course(s) to DLCgo
- Offline Grade book for courses that do not have Online Course submissions.
- Access to more student data, including:
- Historic courses taken through the DLC.
- Current courses, teachers, grades, and pacing
- Communication log for various types of communication tracking, including phone calls.
- Ability for bulk communication with your students through:
- Custom emails created by you can be personalized for each student in a manner of clicks
- Templates created for all that are personalized for each student
DLCgo comes in two forms: production and staging. Production is our live site that contains real student data, grades, communications,etc. Staging is the testing site that we can use to try features out before using them on production. We will be training in staging.
Production URL: http://www.dlcgo.ca/
Staging URL: https://sunwestsandbox.geniussis.com/PublicWelcome.aspx
The Flow of a Registration
A new student would follow the pattern below:
- Arrive at the catalog
- Choose courses and click the register
- Complete the short form. This is a form that collects minimal information so they feel they are progressing. Should they drop off at some point during the process, we can communicate with them at any step in the process and provide the support they need to continue.
- Confirm course selections and confirm/choose start and end dates
- Go to email inbox to retrieve username and password
- Log into DLCgo.
- Complete the long form (no link - inside DLCgo). The long form is the rest of the application, which contains much more data including places to upload documentation ( like a birth certificate or ed psych documentation).
- Wait for approval from DLC Front Office or Admin.
- Access courses
- Have life changed
A student who already has an account can bypass the external catalog linked above. They can log into DLCgo, request courses from the catalog within DLCgo, and then wait for courses to be approved. Courses are approved by our FOS for full-time DLC students and adults, or by EAs/Admin if they attend a school
If an EA or an Admin logs into DLCgo and requests a course for a student, the course is automatically approved and the student can gets access to the course right away
How do I log in?
You can log into the DLCgo staging site by following the link below and using your username and password:
Link: https://sunwestsandbox.geniussis.com/PublicWelcome.aspx
Username: firstname.lastname
Password: first name as it appears in your email address.
How to change your password:
- Method 1: In the DLCgo Tab, click "Edit Account" in your Actions Menu
- Method 2: On any page, click the Settings button in the top right of the window:
What happens when I get a new student?
you will be notified that you have a new student
To see your notifications
- Click the DLCgo Tab. This will take you to your Dashboard
- View your notifications in the Notifications Pane under the pie graphs on the left side of the Dashboard:
How do I view my students?
To view your students, you can either go to the Students Tab or the Enrollments Tab.
Students Tab
The Students Tab allows teachers to interact with their students as a group, or individually. You can send bulk emails to the entire class or to select groups, as well as drill down to an individual student and see progress and activity metrics for all courses.
You can customize the fields that you see by clicking the Customize Columns button in the top of the chart:
The Affiliation Column will tell you the type of student you have:
- Sask DLC Under 22 = full-time DLC under 22 years old, no payment.
- Sask DLC Over 22 = adult, paying student
- Home-Based - home-based, non-DLC
- School Name = student attends this school.
To view student details, click on a student's name. From here, you can edit student information, see the student dashboard, see what resources they have, view historical data, and more
***NOTE: All teachers for a student will be able to see all communications sent through DLCgo.
To Bulk Email
1. Click on the Bulk Emails link in your Actions Menu:
2. Use the filters to narrow down your criteria then click Get Data. Of you want to email all of your students, skip the filters and click the Get Data button
3. Select the students you wish to communicate with, then click the Email Button
Enrollments Tab
The top of this page will give you filters that you can use to create custom lists of students in all, or specific courses, meeting specific or general criteria. For example, if you want to see all of your students, you would simply click the Get Data button without changing any of the filters. However, if you only want a specific course, then you will need to change the Course dropdown menu
regardless of the type of view, a student will show up multiple times if they are enrolled in multiple courses you teach.
Here, you can customize your tables using the Customize Columns button in the top right of the chart.
The two main functions here are Emails and Auto-emails
To send an email to a list of students:
1. Set the criteria for your list. For example, any student that is from Beechy School.
2. Click Get Data
3. Once the table of the student data is populated below the criteria, click on the Emails button in your Actions Menu:
4. At the top of the Email screen, you will see a verification that you are about to communicate to x number of students.
5. If applicable, select a Template. A template is a globally defined communication that has variables pre-selected in the communication. If you would like to communicate without a template, do not select anything from the Template drop-down menu.
6. Fill in or confirm the subject line. Templates come with pre-determined subject lines
7. Choose any applicable attachments. Remember that this same attachment will go to the students in your selected list.
8. select who you want the communication to go to.
9. Confirm, create, or alter the body text. You can change or add variables using the variables drop-down in the body's editor:
10. View the sample below the body. If you made changes in the body, click the update sample button.
11. In the Step 2 box, select how frequently you would like the email to be generated
12. Fill in the Name of your Auto Emails.. This is how your email will be named in your list of Auto Emails.
13. In the Step 3 box, save the Auto Email. Once you click save, the email will be generated based on the frequency you choose.
To view your Auto Emails, click the Auto Emails button in the Action Menu
Mentor tab
We will be referring to DLC EAs and other school supports as Mentors. This tab will give you a list of all Mentors as indicated by each school, along with their contact information
Sections Tab
This will give you a list of all of the sections of the courses you teach. When you click on a section, you will see a table of enrollments in the section containing the student's start and end date, their grade, and the number of assignments they have completed.
From here, you can click Dashboard in the Actions menu to see more data about the section.
You can also add events to your Calendar from the Actions Menu
Affiliations Tab
This will give you a list of all of the schools in the province as well as their principal's name and their school division.
If you click on a school you will also get information regarding their Mentors (Main Page in the Action Menu) and view their Dashboard (from the Action Menu).
Messages Tab
DLCgo houses an internal messaging system. However, because we will be still using email and online courses as primary communication tools, we want to make sure that we send these messages as emails. Here are the steps to sending an email in the Messages Tab:
- In the To: field, write the name of the student that you would like to send an email to. Keep in mind that you cannot send to parents this way
- Check the box to send a copy to the student's email inbox
- Fill in the Subject Line
- Write the body of the email
- Click send