The Student Profile
This will explain the Student Profile, the data it holds, and its function.
The Student Profile is one of the most frequented places for teachers in DLCgo and provides some of the most valuable information.
Note: You can access the student’s Current Enrollments page from the student profile.
Note: The Student Profile also has an email function.
Main Page
This is the default page you are taken to when you click on a student’s name. The main part of the window displays the student’s Basic Information, Academic Snapshot, and Recent Communications. Note that the Recent Activity widget is currently not working.
Basic Information
This section displays general demographic information for the student. It also contains three buttons to Reset the Password, Sync with LMS, and Login as a User.
The Reset Password can be used any time that a student contacts you not knowing their DLCgo password; however, it is important to note for the student that they need to be logging into (rather than Your Online Course). Note that this password is not associated with any other passwords or computer logins, so resetting is not a big deal.
The Sync with LMS button can be used when students contact you regarding issues with course access.
The log in as User button can be used to log in as a student. This is great for troubleshooting as you can see what the student sees. Note that if you click on a course on the student’s dashboard, you actually log into Your Online Course as the student.
Academic Snapshot
This widget displays the sections that the student is enrolled in, who teaches the section, and other valuable enrollment data. Note that the last activity column is currently not working.
Recent Communications
This widget displays the five most recent communications sent through DLCgo by all users. To view the communications in their entirety, you will need to visit the View Communications page (see below).
Flags are labels that can be attached to the student profile. They live at the top of the student profile, next to the student’s name:
The student is on an SST caseload, indicated by the SST name in the label.
There is a custody agreement in the student’s CUME folder
The student is assigned to the indicated Credit Counsellor. They help the student plan for graduation.
We have received the student’s CUME folder.
Note: the Red and Blue flags align with the red and blue stickers on CUME folders, indicating an SST student and a custody agreement, respectively.
Edit Information
This page is linked to the student’s application form. It holds critical information including the student’s contact information and their learning needs. This page should be checked any time a teacher gets a new registration. Specifically, the fields halfway down the page in the Educational Information and Getting to Know You section:
If you see information that needs to be changed or updated, please email and let the student’s other teachers know (depending on the change – use your judgment). The reason why we don’t want teachers making this change is because FOS has a process to update other areas (MSS, for example).
Student Log
The student log will show any changes in enrollments (drops, transfers, completed, etc) or flags saved to the student profile. It is a good indication of the student’s academic behavior.
You can alter the period at the top of the page to expand or reduce the data.
View Communications
The View Communications page will display all emails sent to the student through DLCgo. It also displays other logs recorded by staff members.
Each communication tracks who created (or sent) it, the category, the subject, and the contents.
To view the contents in its entirety, click the button in the View column.
You can also filter the data using the Search Criteria at the top. So if you want to see all of the phone calls logged, change the category and hit Get Data.
Add Communication
This page will allow you to add to the communication log. To add a communication:
- Select a category. Note: the email category does not actually email. You would use this to log an email you received in Outlook.
- Include a detailed subject line.
- Include the details of the communication in the Contents text box. Note: all teachers of this student can see this log.
There are no parameters set out by Admin to use this log, other than very sensitive information should not be included here, but rather in the CUME folder. A note could be added here about you adding something based on the communication you received from the student/family/school. Note: teachers will need to manually be communicated with regarding important notes since this page has no notification abilities. It is simply for transparency.
Enrollment History
This page will give you a list of data associated with the student’s enrollment(s) including start date, end date, when they were removed, and the overall outcome of that enrollment (complete, drop, etc). It will also house their grade information.
You can use the filters at the top to make the report more meaningful, specifically choosing a date range for the report and specific specific enrollment status. By default, the status is set to NOT_ACTIVE which will show you the enrollments that have had closure on them (drop, completed, etc).