Dropping a Student in DLCgo
If a drop request comes from a teacher or administrator, follow this procedure to drop the student in DLCgo.
- As an administrator, locate the student in DLCgo.
- Click on "Drop Requests" under the "Enrollments" menu on the left-hand side of the screen
Click on the “Request new drop” button.
Select the course that the student intends to drop.
Select the reason for the drop.
Change the status to “APPROVED.”
Click “Save.”
Go to the “Reports” tab near the top of the screen.
On the left-hand side, under the “Enrollments” side menu, click on “Drop Requests.”
Under “Search Criteria,” change the status to “APPROVED” and click “Get Data.”
Select the student from the list and click the check box.
Click the “Drop Selected” button.
Check the online course the student was dropped from to see if the student is still enrolled in Moodle.
If the student has not been removed from the course in an online course, change the student’s enrollment to LambdaSSO.
Search for the student in Site Administration > Users > Accounts > Browse the list of users. *Note: after using the search bar, remove any filters you added to search for another student
Click the student's name, Click "Edit Profile", and next to "Choose an authentication method", select "Lambda SSO Authentication" from the drop-down menu options.
Scroll down the page and click "Update Profile"
Go to the student profile in DLCgo and click "Sync with LMS"
Manually remove the student from the online course.
Transfer the ticket to the front office staff to remove them from PowerSchool.