How to Complete Your Timecard
Soapbox - How to Complete Your Timecard Sept 6, 2023
This document is to help you understand how to complete your timecard until the Sask DLC’s official payroll system is up and running. If you’re a teacher or a member of the STF, and you do not have any exceptions (holidays or sick days) to report, you do not need to submit a timecard. However, if you do have exceptions, please complete the timecard.
All timecards must be signed, approved and sent to by the 10th of each month. If the 10th falls on a weekend, the deadline will be the Monday following.
Hourly Employees
All hourly employees need to indicate the days you work, the days you are sick and the days you have vacation.
- Employee name: First and last name
- Employee number: contact your Campus Principal
- HR Org: Sask DLC
- Pay Period Start: the 1st day of each month
- Pay Period End: the last day of each month
- Salary / Hourly: click the box that pertains to you and an X will appear
- Hourly employees: if you are an hourly employee, indicate how many hours a day per week you work, for example 7 hours / day, M-F or 4 hours / day, M-F
- Date: place your cursor in the box and type the date (day-month-year)
- Start Time: enter the time you started work or enter the time you were away from work
- End Time: enter the time you left work
- Hours: enter the time you were either at work or away from work
- Notes: indicate the reason that correspond to the hours, for example, work, vacation, sick
Example of Date / Start / End / Hours / Notes:
Date: 02-10-23 Start Time: 8:30 End Time: 12:00 Hours: 3.5 Notes: work
Date: 02-10-23 Start Time: 1:00 End Time: 4:30 Hours: 3.5 Notes: sick
Date: 03-10-23 Start Time: 8:30 End Time: 4:30 Hours: 7 Notes: work
- If you took a holiday or sick time after you submitted your time card on the 10th of every month, simply indicate that day on your current time card. For example, on your October time card, you can indicate that you took a sick day September 20th, 2023
- Employee signature and date: If you have a pre-made signature you can input that or you can type your name and date
- Supervisor’s Signature, Approval and Date: have your supervisor sign and date your time card
Salaried Employees
Salaried employees only need to indicate the days you have been away from the office (holidays, sick days). If you haven’t been away from the office you can leave the body of the timecard blank and complete the top and bottom (signatures)
- Employee name: First and last name
- Employee number: contact your Campus Principal
- HR Org: Sask DLC
- Pay Period Start: the 1st day of each month
- Pay Period End: the last day of each month
- Salary / Hourly: click the box that pertains to you and an X will appear
- Hourly employees: salaried employees leave this box blank
Only need to complete the following fields if you have been away from the office:
- Date: place your cursor in the box and type the date (day-month-year)
- Start Time: enter the time you were away from work
- End Time: enter the time you were away from work
- Hours: enter the number of hours you were away from work
- Notes: indicate the reason that correspond to the hours, for example, work, vacation, sick
Example of Date / Start / End / Hours / Notes:
Date: 02-10-23 Start Time: 8:30 End Time: 12:00 Hours: 3.5 Notes: sick
Date: 03-10-23 Start Time: 1:00 End Time: 4:30 Hours: 3.5 Notes: holidays
- If you took a holiday or sick time after you submitted your timecard on the 10th of every month, simply indicate that day on your current time card. For example, on your October timecard, you can indicate that you took a sick day September 20th, 2023
- Employee signature and date: If you have a pre-made signature you can input that or you can type your name and date
- Supervisor’s Signature, Approval and Date: have your supervisor sign and date your time card
Please be mindful of your supervisor’s time when creating your timecards and allow for enough time for them to review, sign, and get it back to you so you’re able to submit it to Human Resources by the 10th of the month.