Managers: How to Approve Timecards and Requested Time off
Approve timecards
- Enter the Workforce Now site
- Go To My Team, Individual Timecards. Timecards are in alphabetical order
- Choose the Timecard you wish to approve
- Once the timecard is open, click the Approve button on the right side of the screen. If there are exceptions that need to be addressed on the timecard, you will not be able to approve the timecard until they are resolved.
- To resolve exceptions, go to My Team, Timecard Exceptions
- Choose the exceptions to manage and edit them based on your conversation with the employee
- Once the exceptions have been resolved, go back to My Team, Individual Timecard and choose the employee timecard you wish to approve
If you have approved a timecard but changes need to be made, please contact Human Resources and they can help you reconcile the timecard IF you are making the changes before the Pay Day date.
If you need to change a timecard after the Pay Day date, you will need to reconcile the changes in Workforce Now by going to My Team and choosing the Request Time Off option.
Approve Request Time Off
- To view employees time off balances, go to My Team and choose Time Off Balances. This page shows an employee’s remaining number of hours / days they can request as time off which will be helpful when determining approval for requested time off.
- To view all your employees time off requests, go to My Team and choose Request Time Off.
- To approve or deny time off requests you have two areas to choose from. Go to
- Things to Do in the top right corner of your screen or
- My Team and choose List of Requests
In both options Managers will see a list of requests from the employees and you can simply click on the drop down arrow and select your option (approve, deny, pending), then click Process Request, at which time the request will disappear from the screen and notify the employee.
If needed, you can make a time off request on behalf of one of your employees. This would be applicable if they were unable to do it themselves and it was payroll cutoff. Other Managers can access and process time off requests for you if you have given them access to.
Please review the Portal Overview for Managers which provides links to helpful resources for managing employee requests.