The Registration and Progress Tracking Sheet
The Registration and Progress Tracking Sheet provides accurate target dates for students, teachers, and supports, which reflect both the students start & end dates and the time it takes to complete each task in a course. The tracking sheet also considers weekends, holidays, PD days, and more, ensuring that a target date is not scheduled on a non-school day. Teachers enter all assignments for a course, along with the time needed to complete each assignment and related tasks, to create a tracking sheet specific for a course. The tracking sheet can be individualized for each student, including the ability to email a student who has fallen behind; providing him/her new target dates.
For Timelines and Email Functionality:
The Registration and Progress Tracking Sheet is updated with the new Sun West School Division calendar dates each year. These dates can be added to an existing tracking sheet to update it for the new school year by copying the dates to the existing file. From the Dates Tab of the Generic tracking sheet copy columns A & B, then select cell A1 on Date Tab of the existing tracking sheet to update it. Click Paste As Formula from the paste button in the toolbar.
To use this file, you must create two folders on your computer:
- C:\Email Reports
- C:\CSV Files
For Advanced Use:
The other two documents (Gradebook - Generic, Progress Overview - Generic) can be used to collate information from the Registration and Progress Tracking Sheets that you create for your students. See the Operations Manual for instructions on setting these documents up.